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One-year subscriptions reduced to $90 plus a FREE webinar
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Become a full-access subscriber to Nonprofit Issues®, and you'll have immediate access to every new article as it's published on our website, and our complete archive of more than 16 years of each edition of "nonprofit law you need to know."
This includes more than 130 Ready Reference Pages, our plain English clarifications of major issues of nonprofit law and governance, and more than 1000 To-the-Point questions and answers.
Sign up now for a one-year discounted subscription for $90 (normally $129 for nonprofits and $164 for others) and gain full access to our website and get one of our 2024 webinars (live or recorded) for FREE. That's an additional $89 value. You will have a full year of exceptional webinars to choose from.
This is our best offer of the year. Take this opportunity to save $128! Subscribe Today
If you are a nonprofit director or executive, one practical tip could easily save you thousands of dollars in legal fees by reducing the risk of litigation. If you are a professional adviser, you can keep abreast of the latest legal developments in nonprofit law and our critical insights in what "you need to know."
Nonprofit Issues® subscribers also receive a 15% discount on all future live and recorded webinars, discounted Ask Don Kramer calls to discuss specific legal issues with the editor, and the Bylaw Review.
Need CLE/CPE credit? All 12 of our 2024 webinars will offer CLE/CPE credits.
Nonprofit Issues® is an Accredited Provider for Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education and the programs also offer Continuing Professional Education for accountants. CLE credit is available for PA lawyers. If you are a lawyer in a state that accepts CLE credits from other jurisdictions we can provide certificates of attendance and proof of our PA approval.
2024 Tentative List of Webinars
(Dates and program titles are subject to change)
January 24 - Bylaws: The "Constitution" of Nonprofits: The Art and Science of Making Them Work
February 21 - Mergers and Acquisitions
March 20 - Workplace Violence/Conflict De-Escalation
April 17 - IRS Form 990: Public Relations Opportunity or Trap for the Unwary
May 23 - Employment Law for Nonprofits
June 18 - Charitable Giving
July 17 - Conducting Internal Investigations
August 14 - Special Event Fundraising, auctions, sponsorships and acknowledgments
September 18 - Lobbying and Electioneering
October 16 - State Charitable Solicitation Statutes: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask
November 20 - Fiscal Sponsorship: For the Funders, Sponsors and the Sponsored
December 11 - Nonprofit Law: Year in Review