Lead Stories
Insurer Must Defend All Claims If Any Is Covered by Policy
Carrier is not required to cover legal fees incurred before claim was tendered by insured
Parents May Not Waive Child’s Claim for Possible Injuries
Michigan court says it has no authority to uphold waiver; concurring judges call for change in the law
Lack of Members’ Approval Scuttles Sale of Facilities
Organization’s “survival plan” is ineffective without compliance with state law and bylaws
Ready Reference Page
New "Core Form" 990 Presents Revised Look for Nonprofit Finances
Form requires substantial additional disclosures, still retains numerous traps for the unwary
Your Legal Questions Answered
Acknowledgement letters for contributions, what are the rules?
I am an Assistant Treasurer of a charity and write the acknowledgement letters for contributions. I was under the impression we were required by law to give an acknowledgement. Is this a fact? I thought if the contribution were under $75, no acknowledgement was necessary. However, even if the gift is $5, I would acknowledge it.