Increasing Gender Diversity on the Boards of Nonprofit Eds and Meds

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This report provides a rare inside view on barriers women face to selection and success that are particular to nonprofit organizations and makes specific recommendations on how to improve the gender ratio. 

Here's what readers have said about the report:

Female healthcare system board leader: "I can state quite surely that the report and the visibility it received was an accelerator and a call to action for our board."

Female former college/university president and university board member: “Lots of interesting insights here, especially the ways in which nonprofit boards have their own exclusionary factors -- expectation of giving, work through the executive committee because of the size of the board, etc.  I had not thought of these factors even though I've spent most of my life participating in nonprofit boards, one way or another."

Male college faculty member, and former faculty president:  “This serious study, and its major conclusions, deserve wide attention from the current gatekeepers of  America’s Eds and Meds."

You can download any or all of the following:

The Full 46-page Report
The Executive Summary
The Ready Reference Page

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