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Association Member Can’t Access Email Addresses, Phone Numbers

Association Member Can’t Access Email Addresses, Phone Numbers

Association Member Can’t Access Email Addresses, Phone Numbers

Court agrees that giving names and addresses of other members is sufficient under state law
An appellate court in Utah has ruled that a nonprofit homeowners’ association is not required to provide anything more than the names and addresses of other members upon request of a member and is not required to give email addresses or telephone numbers held by the association. ( Walker I Investments v. Sunpeak Association , Ct. of App., UT, No. 20140085-CA, 8/27/15. ) Walker I Investments, LLC, an owner of property in a Park City subdivision and thereby a member of the Sunpeak Association, sought the information about annual meeting records, insurance policies, contracts, and membership lists in the midst of an unrelated and ongoing lawsuit between it and the Association. It claimed it...

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