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Unincorporated Associations Cannot Sue or Be Sued

Unincorporated Associations Cannot Sue or Be Sued

Unincorporated Associations Cannot Sue or Be Sued

Nearly ten years after start of litigation, Kentucky Supreme Court throws out case
Nearly ten years after an unincorporated association sued another unincorporated association, the Supreme Court of Kentucky has thrown out the case, stating that as a matter of general state law an unincorporated association can neither sue nor be sued in the association’s name. ( United Brotherhood of Carpenters v. Birchwood Conservancy , KY, No. 2011-SC-000659, 6/19/14. ) The case started back in 2003 when the Public Broadcasting System showed an interest in filming a documentary on the activities of the Birchwood Conservation Center, a nonprofit caring for endangered animals on a small farm in Scott County. The TV producer was particularly interested in the efforts of a number of...

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