
No worker’s comp for employee injured at charity Bowl-A-Thon

No worker’s comp for employee injured at charity Bowl-A-Thon

No worker’s comp for employee injured at charity Bowl-A-Thon

An employee whose participation in a charity Bowl-A-Thon was encouraged, but not required, by her for-profit employer is ineligible to receive workers’ compensation payments for injuries suffered at the event, an appellate court in Illinois has ruled. A 60-year-old sales associate for Viacom Outdoor was one of 31 employees participating in the event in September 2004 to support the company’s efforts to fight HIV/AIDS. She received memos encouraging her to attend. She received an afternoon off from work, the company covered the cost of bowling and shoe rentals, and she made a $15 contribution to an AIDS organization. About six employees in the office did not participate. While bowling, the...

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