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May treasurer sign president's name to check?

I was president of a cheer parents booster club. The club treasurer and I were designated signers on the checking account. Recently, the treasurer admitted signing my name, without my knowledge or consent, because she needed a check to pay a bill. The by-laws require signatures of two officers; there are no exceptions. Since there was no intent to deceive for monetary gain, the police will not prosecute. Is there any type of recourse I can take just to make a point about principle? I have suggested that they ask for her resignation and I have resigned because of this underhanded situation.

Sounds like you have already taken your own recourse by resigning.  It isn’t surprising that police won’t prosecute this kind of matter.  It is an internal matter when there is no criminal intent and no harm done to the organization.  But it is a significant violation of internal controls and rules and is worthy of some sort of comment or sanction.  Removing her from office is one possibility.  Depending on the circumstances of the situation, it may be more appropriate simply to tell her she cannot do it again.  Your board should weigh the facts and make its decision.  You have apparently already made yours.

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