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Religious Group Ordered to Pay Punitive Damages for Misrepresentation

Religious Group Ordered to Pay Punitive Damages for Misrepresentation

Religious Group Ordered to Pay Punitive Damages for Misrepresentation

Court says jury could conclude that false claim that association was a Benedictine monastery was reckless
A religious association that falsely purported to be a Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery has been ordered to pay more than $71,000 in punitive damages to a couple who made substantial payments to the association on the basis of the misrepresentation. An appellate court in Connecticut has affirmed a trial court decision that also ordered the association to pay more than $207,000 in compensatory damages. ( Wagner v. Our Lady of Mount Caritas , O.S.B., App. Ct., CT, No. AC 36373, 6/15/15. ) The Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Norwich originally issued a decree of establishment of the community in 1979 for an experimental period of two years, after which, if it had obtained six or...

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