February 16-March 15, 2013

Lead Stories

Members Can’t Remove Directors of Board-Only Nonprofit

Court holds improperly ousted directors in contempt for failing to turn over documents pursuant to Order

Letter of Intent With “Out” Clause Allows Hospital Purchaser a Way Out

Although parties announced agreed-upon terms of sale, termination clause in LOI prevails to stop deal

Official May Warn Public Of High Fundraising Costs

Charity named as bad example has no claim for violation of Equal Protection Clause
Ready Reference
To the Point

Moratorium on board meetings due to pending bylaw revisions?

Our nonprofit corporation has not held regular board meetings in accordance with its bylaws. In addition, there was no annual general meeting last year (nor has one been posted this year) to elect officers for positions with expiring terms. The president says that we are under a moratorium because the bylaws are under revision. Aren't the existing bylaws in place until amended in the manner prescribed in the governing document(s)?